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Founder's Welcome,

Sunshine Education believes strongly in providing pupils with a holistic education and through that, helping them to discover and develop their individual interests, talents and strengths. We have many engaging programmes in place to achieve this, and the staff is committed to providing a student-centric, values driven education for our pupils. We also want to continue to build on the strong partnerships with our parents and the community, to add value to pupils' learning.

Seeing every students becoming successful in their future endeavours after they leave the centre is its greatest joy. Looking forward in helping the next generation of leaders!


Ms Joleen Chng
Sunshine Education 

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Our Style
digital learning

With its service and result-oriented focus, it only hires qualified teachers and staffs who are well coached by the owner to achieve uniformity of teaching and working strategy across the board and thus increase efficiency and productivity to stay competitive over others in the market which will help in the steady growth of the business. 

Our Focus
Global trend

With the recent trends of moving towards a cosmopolitan and metropolitan society, thus it adopts sophistication to bring all human ethnic groups to a single community by offering language tuition to the minority races in Singapore (i.e. Malay, Tamil and other foreign languages) and focuses mainly on abstract conceptualization skills and critical thinking skills.

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